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  • Welcome back to school!

    Mon 06 Sep 2021 S. Murray

    Welcome back!!!

    Dear Parents and Carers,

    (sent as email and Class Dojo message too!)

    I hope that this message finds you all well and having had a good summer break. I am sure that you are all hoping for a smooth year - so are we!

    We have been busy getting ready for welcoming our children back to school today and are excited at the thought of a brilliant year ahead! We are planning on this year being as close to the norm as it possibly can be. We have carried out our risk assessment (available on the school website on today) and have reviewed our procedures with the aim of keeping our community as safe as we can, whilst protecting the education of our children


    Our latest Parent Handbook for this year has been sent by email and is on Class Dojo but is now also in the Newsletters section of this website. In this, we have outlined the steps we will take and how we will ensure that this year goes as smoothly as possible for all.

    Please make sure that you read it as it does outline important changes that you will need to know.

    Key changes/points you need to know are:
    - there will be NO ONE WAY system. The entrance to the school for drop off and pick up will be the gate to the playground at the front of school.
    - The delivery gates on Croft Hill Rd will be locked and no longer used as a way in and out.
    - School doors will open at 8:45am and children will filter up their staircase (or go to Nursery/Reception)
    - The School Day will now BEGIN at 9:00am. The gates will close at 9:00am.
    - Anyone after 9:00am will be classed as Late and parents will have to sign children in at the Office.
    - When fully open - Nursery pick up time will be 3:10pm.
    - ALL OTHER YEAR GROUPS will now end their day at 3:20pm - this is a trial to see if it works so please bear with us for a few weeks!
    - The gate will be closed and we will let parents in at 3:20pm. The same gate can be used for exit but please feel free to walk around the school building, through Nursery, to ease congestion.
    - All children need to wear full school uniform.
    - PE Kits will still be worn on PE days - but no hoodies, just school jumpers or cardigans on top.

    There will ne no mobile phones allowed in school at all. If your child is in Year 6 and needs to have a phone to walk home. You must write into school to give consent and the phone must be brought into the school Office at beginning of the day and picked up by your child from the Office at the end of the day. If we find any children in school with a phone that has not been consented to by parents and school, it will be confiscated and returned to their parent in person. Please understand that this is to keep our children safe and also to remind them that phones are not needed when at school.

    We also had an explosion of Pop-its last year. Children will not be able to use Pop-its in class without their parent having a discussion with the Class Teacher and the need and use being agreed. If your child has an SEN need that warrants support for fidgeting, there are also many things we have in school that we can try using. Our experience of Pop-its is that they often cause more distraction and do not enable children to focus.

    Final update: we have not been able to get the Stop and Drop ready yet but have today finally received the lease that will enable us to start preparing the land. This Stop and Drop space will happen!!

    Kind regards

    Sarah Murray

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