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Moston Fields Primary School

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    Tue 22 Jun 2021

    Dear Parents and Carers,

    Please find a link below for a survey about the planned Stop and Drop space that we are hoping to open in September. We have been granted use of the land as long as we can make it safe (plans are in process for scraping and clearing some of the land) maintain it and operate it safely.

    This is a long overdue project that has four years of mithering and pestering behind it. We have also committed some budget to this to clear the land and to have the necessary public liability insurance and maintenance costs in place. It has taken a lot to get us here but now we need your help to make it happen.

    We need your help with the following:

    - regular volunteers to help us operate the stop and drop space
    - your ideas for how it can be used as safely as possible
    - your support with some fund raising (if we cannot get the gates and fence fixed from elsewhere)

    We currently have a small but committed group of parents (many of whom are staff at school also) who put away our child signs on Croft Hill Rd everyday. They are a brilliant support for us as a school but also do a brilliant job in keeping our families and children safe as they cross the road. However, it is the same few volunteers everyday and we need more - to spread the load and to keep the right to be safe as a priority for our children.

    So, if you think you could commit to offering some time to support this work, let us know.

    If you can't commit to helping us, please still complete the survey as we need this feedback to make things work. It will be coming via email and Class Dojo too! 


    Many thanks,

    Mrs Murray 

  • Place2Be Ambassador visit to launch the Schools Time Capsule Project

    Tue 22 Jun 2021 S. Murray

    We are excited to announce that on the 30th June, we will be welcoming Katie Thistleton and Rhys Stephenson (CBBC presenters) who are ambassadors for Place2Be. They will be visiting our school to see a Place2Be school project and also to launch the 2021 Schools Time Capsule project (in conjunction with BAFTA kids and Oak National Academy)


    5C have the exciting job of taking part in creating some memories of the past year to put into the time capsule ready to be opened in 25 years! I wonder what children will think of our thoughts and memories then! They will be creating some poems, drawings and a vlog to capture their experiences, as we did before in our Unlocking Lockdown project. 


    Look out for photos and further updates after their visit. 

  • SHINE AWARD for Miss Ward and Moston Fields Primary School!

    Thu 03 Jun 2021 S. Murray

    Great news! 


    I am delighted to tell you that we have some wonderful news for our school. Miss Ward (our Reading Recovery Teacher and ECAR lead) has been successful in a bid for funding via the Shine Trust. 

    This means that Miss Ward will be developing a brand new intervention for Reception children and parents at our school over the next two years. This project will see school staff trained and then in the second year, other schools trained so that more children can access the power of a research-based intervention. 

    A huge well done to Miss Ward. This will really benefit our children and put our school on the map as a centre of excellence for reading! 

    If you want to learn more. Here are the publicity links:

     For more information about the prestigious award and the project - follow the links below. 
    General story
    Your story

  • Outdoor Learning Week

    Mon 24 May 2021 S. Murray

    Thanks to all children who brought in some wonderful pieces of nature that they had found. Despite the rain, we managed to have some opportunities to get outside and capture nature with our artwork and sketches. 

    We will be adding our work to the exhibition in the entrance to school soon...look out for it!

  • Geometry Super Learning Day this FRIDAY!

    Mon 24 May 2021 S. Shankland

    See the event reminder below to find out about our Super Learning Day this Friday. To get you in the mood, here is a daring Fashion Challenge to do at home to bring in on Friday – who thought Maths could be so cool and look so good : )
    The basic idea is to create a piece of wearable fashion along the theme of geometry. Some ideas for you to think about, then design or make could be:
    • Create a piece of jewellery (maybe a 3D watch or badge)
    • Decorate a hat (maybe a 3D celebration of angles and lines)
    • Colour a cool t-shirt design (have a look at the art of Piet Mondrian or Wassily Kandinsky to give you some ideas)
    • Design a full costume
    Click on the document above for more information and look at the second page to get some ideas and inspiration.

    A BIG thank you to Mr Breeze for developing and designing this challenge - we can't wait to see what you come up with!

  • Getting ready for our new DREAM Cafe :-)

    Mon 24 May 2021 S. Murray

    This week, we had a great sampling session for our new school menu. The children tried some of the new 'sides' including samosas, poppadoms and onion bhaji. They also tried quorn nuggets (much healthier) rice pudding, vegetable and cheese lattice and pizza on our new thin bases! Tracey, our cook got some great feedback - including 'amazing' and 'really professional'

    Our menu for the first week will be out by the end of this week.
    After half term, there will be normal canteen service for all children - well not normal - NEW and IMPROVED service as we have new tables cloths, clear glasses, vacuum flasks for milk on each table, a cutlery tray for each table...amongst other things.

    Our DREAM CAFE is nearly here!

  • Complete our Remote Learning Survey - have your say!

    Tue 09 Feb 2021 S. Murray

    Please use the link below to access the survey for feedback on our current offer of remote learning. 



    In advance, thank you for helping us with this!

  • Information to support Parents and Carers for Safer Internet Day

    Tue 09 Feb 2021 S. Murray


    Please see the Newsletter section for the following resources (these have also been sent out via Class Dojo)

    - Family Online Safety Plan

    - Conversation Starters 

  • Safer Internet Day - Let's Create #AnInternetWeTrust

    Tue 09 Feb 2021 S. Murray

    All children have access to the internet whether it is via a phone, laptop, tablet, gaming device or even a TV! 

    If we want to create and Internet we can trust it is vital that parents and carers take the following steps to help your child be safe on-line:

    1) Make sure that any privacy setting and all parental controls are set at the highest level (please see links to help with this below)
    2) Have conversations about what is seen or heard about on-line - help children to question and not accept information or behaviours that are wrong.
    3) Make a Family Safety On-line Plan that sets out expectations and time limits for being on-line 
    4) Check-in with what your child is doing on-line - if they have a phone or gaming device, check regularly
    5) Talk about what to do if things go wrong or they feel uncomfortable - make it easy for them to talk to you about it.
    6) Watch for signs of changing behaviours 

    It is hard at the moment but as much as you can - get outside and encourage children to be be active away from their screens as much as you can. 

    Here are some great links - PLEASE USE THEM :-)

    This is a really visual website (and trusted) where the adult selects their internet provider, they are then shown step by step how to ensure their internet is safe for children. 

    This link has lots of advice around devices and internet use.

    I will be posting other guidance documents to support you soon. Upper KS2 parents and carers will also be getting additional information to support them via e-mail. 

    All the above information will be posted on our Class Dojo and also e-mailed out. 

    This is a belts and braces communication approach - apologies that some parents get things 3x!! 

  • Access to loan devices to support home learning

    Thu 04 Feb 2021 S. Murray

    Dear Parents/Carers,


    As you may have read in the recent school newsletter, or spotted in the national press (!), we have been working hard behind the scenes to secure as many computing devices for our school as possible.

    Miss Cooke has been liaising with the Department of Education, local charities and even the Daily Mail to access these devices. As a result of these efforts, we now have 30 laptops and 5 tablets (with a further 18 on order). Whilst this is a great result, we will be continuing to look for other avenues to access devices as this is nowhere near enough to match the need in our school.

    It is important to note that these laptops and tablets have been given to the school on the understanding that they are the school’s property to be loaned out to families during periods of lockdown or year group/bubble closures. At the end of these periods, they will be returned to school and made use of in school by all children.

    To identify where these devices are needed, school has undertaken a number of formal and informal consultations with parents and carers. During the first national lockdown, we started to create a list of need based on conversations with parents. We then conducted a whole-school parent/carer survey on Remote Learning in October of last year – unfortunately we only had 98 responses to this survey. We have also been collating information gathered from the weekly teacher phone calls, engagement in remote learning activities and Class Dojo messages with parents/carers in this current lockdown period to identify where there is a need for devices.

    Using this information, we have identified children who: have no access to any device; are limited to using a phone to access work; have to share devices between children; are reliant on paper packs. We have then also prioritised year 5 and 6 children from this list, as they are the year groups that have access to fully remote on-line editable learning via Google Classroom.

    Miss Cooke has started to contact families to loan devices to them for the remainder of this lockdown period. If you feel that your family would benefit from a device, and have not been contacted by Miss Cooke, then please contact your child’s class teacher through Class Dojo and we will add your child’s name to the list.

    Many thanks for all your support with Remote Learning. We hope that these devices will help to make a difference to families and we will continue to work with external agencies to try and secure as many more devices as possible, as we understand the need is far greater than what has been allocated so far.


    Kind Regards,


    Stephen Shankland

    Deputy Head

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