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Moston Fields Primary School

Remote/Home Learning Offer

Dear Parents and Carers,


This week has been a whirlwind of change again - at school and I am sure, at home. It is a tricky time for all as we enter into this next half term of full school closure, learning at home and support for childcare and vulnerable children. As you can imagine, there is a lot to do and we are busy working through our lists of jobs and preparations.


One of the important differences this time is that we have been through this before and have learnt lessons from the last time. There are also greater expectations put on school for what we provide for our children who are learning at home and in childcare.


So we have reviewed our home learning offer from last year and developed it further. The key changes are as follows:


  • Learning packs but not as we know it! We will be providing learning packs but there will be less need to have a paper copy as (through the next week or so) we will be adapting the kinds of activities to be able to be viewed on a device with the children's work put onto paper.
  • We will provide each child with one or two workbooks to put work in - a maths book and a book to record all other learning. These will need to be brought back at the end of the school closure period.
  • We will be offering a link each day (starting next week) for a class meeting with the Teacher - this will be to set up the learning for the day.
  • We will be providing some video clips that will show how to complete the learning, giving learning tips.
  • Parents can take photos of completed work and post them onto the child's portfolio on Class Dojo or for Upper KS2, on Google Classroom.
  • Years 4, 5 and 6 will begin to access learning through Google Classroom - this does not have to be on a laptop - on a phone or a tablet.
  • We will still provide some paper copies of learning which can be picked up at the front of the Office.


Please find the full offer attached below.


As children will be spending more time on devices, especially older children, we will be sending out some guidance to parents tomorrow. Too much time on phones and social media must be avoided at all costs, for many reasons, including the safety of your children. Please see the letter that will come out about this tomorrow.


We are also mulling over ideas for an art project...Mr Shankland will be in touch with more information on how to get involved soon :-)


Last of all, we understand that you will all be in varying circumstances at home and that supporting home learning may be tricky. Over the weeks we will do everything we can to support you with this. We know that you will try your best.


Please take care and stay safe. If we all do the right thing, hopefully we will alll (including our families and friends) remain safe.


We look forward to seeing you and your children soon - please pass on that Mrs Murray says a BIG HELLO!


Best wishes,

Mrs Murray

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