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Moston Fields Primary School

Safer Internet Day - Let's Create #AnInternetWeTrust

All children have access to the internet whether it is via a phone, laptop, tablet, gaming device or even a TV! 

If we want to create and Internet we can trust it is vital that parents and carers take the following steps to help your child be safe on-line:

1) Make sure that any privacy setting and all parental controls are set at the highest level (please see links to help with this below)
2) Have conversations about what is seen or heard about on-line - help children to question and not accept information or behaviours that are wrong.
3) Make a Family Safety On-line Plan that sets out expectations and time limits for being on-line 
4) Check-in with what your child is doing on-line - if they have a phone or gaming device, check regularly
5) Talk about what to do if things go wrong or they feel uncomfortable - make it easy for them to talk to you about it.
6) Watch for signs of changing behaviours 

It is hard at the moment but as much as you can - get outside and encourage children to be be active away from their screens as much as you can. 

Here are some great links - PLEASE USE THEM :-)

This is a really visual website (and trusted) where the adult selects their internet provider, they are then shown step by step how to ensure their internet is safe for children. 

This link has lots of advice around devices and internet use.

I will be posting other guidance documents to support you soon. Upper KS2 parents and carers will also be getting additional information to support them via e-mail. 

All the above information will be posted on our Class Dojo and also e-mailed out. 

This is a belts and braces communication approach - apologies that some parents get things 3x!! 

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