First Aid sessions from Beverley Latham - SkillSafe First Aid Training
Years 2 & 3 attended an assembly where they were taught responses to an unconscious casualty by checking for breathing and how to call 999.
We also discussed how to keep ourselves safe by not running to strangers.
Year 4: Bleeding & Bandaging Workshop
The children learnt how to keep themselves safe when dealing with blood, how to respond quickly in an accident involving blood and how to apply a bandage accurately to keep the wound clean and apply pressure to stop bleeding.
Year 5 & 6: Basic Skills in First Aid
The children learnt how to respond quickly in an emergency situation, including how to check for a response in the casualty and putting them into the recovery position. We also looked at allergies, specifically asthma and how inhalers are administered and completed a bandage application for a casualty that is bleeding.