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Moston Fields Primary School

Timings of the School Day

Timings of the School Day



Start of the day is 8.45am!

 It is really important that children arrive and are settled into their class by 8:55 when our learning starts!   If pupils arrive after this time then they are late and will miss out on essential learning.


The School doors open at 8:45am every day and we encourage children to come in at this time to ensure they are settled and in class ready to learn.

End of the day: Nursery: 3:15pm.

All other classes: 3:20pm

Children can become quite distressed if their parents/carers are not here on time at the end of the day. Staff have meetings and work to do after school so it is important that children are picked up on time. Children not picked up on time will be taken back to class and brought down again at 3.45pm. If parents/carers are not here then the child will be placed into Blossoms (After School Childcare) and charged £8 for the session. 

If you need wraparound care we do have:


Sunbeams Breakfast Club (£3) 7.45am-8.55am

Blossoms – Childcare (£8)           3.20-5.30pm


You must book your child into these sessions in advance  via the Arbor app. If you don’t book your child in, they will not have a space in these sessions. More information regarding Childcare can be obtained from the Office

Moston Fields provides 32.5hrs of education per week.

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