Welcome to the Year 1 page!
Below you will find some key information about life in Year 1. For day-to-day messages and regular updates about what we are learning about in class, please make sure you check your child's Class Dojo page.
Meet the Team!
Miss Cookson - 1 Beech class teacher
Miss Coleman - 1 Birch class teacher
Mrs Byrne - Teaching assistant
Miss Jackson - Teaching assistant
PE days: Monday
On PE days, children should come to school wearing their school PE kit. This consists of:
No other tracksuit tops or hoodies are permitted.
Long hair should be tied up and all jewellery, including earrings, should be removed before coming into school.
Home Learning
Homework is given out each Wednesday and is to be returned on Friday of the following week. Tasks should be completed in the home learning book your child is given at the beginning of the year, unless stated otherwise.
Reading is an important part of life. At Moston Fields we expect each child to read at least 3 times per week and this must be noted in your child's Reading Record. This is checked weekly by the teachers and teaching assistants in your child's class.
At Moston Fields, we have chosen to use the Sounds-Write Programme for the delivery of phonics because it is a structured, multi-sensory, progressive and coordinated approach to teaching children to read and spell.
Sounds-Write have a free App available to download which can help support your child at home: Sounds-Write App
Children will be sent home with a decodable book which will ensure that children can practise using the sounds that they have learnt in the context of a book. What is a decodable reader?
Please contact your class teacher if you are not yet on Class Dojo.