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Moston Fields Primary School

Rights Respecting

Mrs Murray has been working with her group on the UN Convention on the Rights of the child. 


The Rights Respecting group have been spending their sessions getting to know what Rights are and learning all the Convention for the Rights of the Child. In doing this they have found out how all children have the same rights no matter who they are, where they are from or what race, religion, or gender they are.


They also explored what Rights look like for children around the world and in particular did research about what life is like for children in China and also what Rights Refugees do not get through the difficult things that they may experience.


Here are some poems about this.


My Dad

I want to go back,

Back to my home,

And where I am not alone,

I want to see my dad,

I haven't seen him in a while,

My mum said I wouldn't understand,

So she said 'ring him for a while',

So the numbers I dial,

Why did we leave dad?

I want to hold his hand,

I want my old room back,

My new one is not the same,

And the wallpapers are lame,

I rang my dad loads,

But no one answered the phone,

I told my mum and she started to cry,

Years have passed,

And I never heard from my dad,

My mother told me why I hadn't,

This was extremely bad,

I now know why we left,

All those years ago,

My mum and I were refugees,

And up to heaven my dad will go,

Though I will be apart from him,

To UNICEF we go.



Last year,

This girl you see,

She was not a refugee,

But just a child who loved to read,

To walk with her friends,

Until the end,

The nights were loud,

They had to flee,

So now they call her a refugee,

She is a child,

May she be free,

She could me you,

She could be me.


By: Victoria Dumbuya, Class 6C


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School is now closed for the February Half Term. Children will be back in on Tuesday 25th February.