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Moston Fields Primary School



A mathematician leaving our school in year 6 will be logical and creative. They will approach problems with confidence and resilience, knowing that they have fluency and command of number and the number system, calculation methods and a range of skills and strategies to problem solve and reason. They will be able to verbalise their thinking and listen to and respond to the work of others and use this as a means to find ever more elegant solutions to problems. These mathematicians will also be able to apply their maths to real life and abstract contexts, identifying the pattern and beauty in maths.


Article 28 Your right to learn and go to school. Article 29 Your right to be the best that you can be and for school to develop your talents.

To deliver our vision, we use White Rose Maths because . . .


PUTTING NUMBER FIRST - we recognise that our children need to have a strong sense of number - to build competency and ensure they can confidently access the rest of the curriculum.

DEPTH BEFORE BREADTH - our children need to acquire depth of knowledge in each topic and have opportunity to revisit previously learned skills to build learning and understanding

WORKING TOGETHER - our children need to develop the vocabulary to explain their thinking and to work co-operatively with others

FLUENCY, REASONING AND PROBLEM SOLVING - our children need to have the opportunity to apply their maths knowledge and skills in lots of different ways to be able to have true mastery of the subject

A CONCRETE-PICTORIAL-ABSTRACT (CPA) APPROACH - we understand that our children need to work with physical objects/concrete resources in order to bring their maths to life.  Alongside these concrete resources, the children need to be able to work with pictorial representations - visualising maths to support with reasoning and problem solving.  And, with the support of concrete and pictorial representations, our children can develop their understanding of abstract methods

The documents above set out how we develop calculation methods for addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.


White Rose Maths also produce a number of resources to support with maths at home.  Follow these links to explore how they could help with supporting your child with maths at home:

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School is now closed for the February Half Term. Children will be back in on Tuesday 25th February.