Welcome to the Year 2 page!
Below you will find some key information about life in Year 2. For day-to-day messages and regular updates about what we are learning in class, make sure you check your child's Class Dojo page.
Meet the Team!
Miss Cooke - Year 2 Poplar teacher and Lower School Leader
Miss Gani- Year 2 Pine teacher
Mrs Hall - Year 2 Poplar teacher (Tuesday)
Miss Hamer - Teaching assistant
Miss Finch - Teaching assistant
Mrs Mares-Page - SEND teaching assistant
What will we learn in Year 2?
On PE days, children should come to school wearing their school PE kit. This consists of black joggers/shorts/leggings, plain red t-shirt, school jumper or cardigan and trainers. No other tracksuit tops or hoodies are permitted. Long hair should be tied up and all jewellery, including earrings, should be removed before coming to school.
Homework Learning
Homework is given out each week. The children can complete their homework in their home learning book or complete it digitally and upload onto Class Dojo.
Spellings are taught through phonics lessons every day and follows the sound structures outlined in the Sounds-Write scheme. We provide a list of words each week linked to the focus sound and hold a spelling quiz on a Friday.
Children must read at least three times a week and record this in their Reading Record. Reading records and reading books must be brought into school every day!