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Moston Fields Primary School


Handwriting at Moston Fields


At Moston Fields Primary School, we teach handwriting using the ‘Improvement in School through Handwriting and Art’ (ISHA—Martin Harvey) handwriting scheme. This is based on the Nelson handwriting scheme. The approach progresses through the school with an emphasis being placed on the use of consistent language. Handwriting on displays in each classroom will reflect the consistency of language and approach used throughout school. 


At the start of every term, at Moston Fields, we drive up standards of presentation. Handwriting has to be taught intensively for a sustained period, if the initiative is to have the required impact.


'Do a little and do it often' is what will make the most impact. Therefore, handwriting is taught every day for 10 minutes in the Autumn Term, reducing to three times per week in Spring and Summer if the impact can be seen and good habits in the class are formed. Handwriting is to be presented in the children’s handwriting books that have guidelines to support letter formation. Spending dedicated time on handwriting every day will drive up standards, not just in their handwriting and English books but in all books across the curriculum.

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