Home Learning in Year 4
Every child has a home reading book from school. We encourage children to read at least 3 times a week at home as this will help them in all areas of the curriculum. Children have a specific day that their reading books are changed each week (check the sticker on their home reading log), however changing more frequently can be arranged if they've completed their book. Please can adults write a comment in their home reading log after reading :) Thank you! We aspire to promote a love of reading.
Each child should also have Bug Club username and password to use!
Children should be using Times Tables Rockstars for at least 3 minutes a day. This helps them to improve their times table knowledge as well as laying the foundations for all other maths.
Children are given spellings on a Monday. These will be posted on Class Dojo for you to practice at home.
Learning Logs
Every child has their own Learning Log & resources. Each week, your teacher will set you a curriculum homework challenge! You can use your imagination and get creative in presenting your piece of work.