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Moston Fields Primary School

Year 1

Important Information

  • Please ensure your child brings their book bag to school everyday. Each child's book will be changed once a week. There will be a label with this information on the front of your child's reading record.
  • Our aim is to read at least 3 times a week. Each time you read at home make sure to sign your child's reading record.
  • We have a 'Regular Readers' treat on a Friday to reward those children who have read.
  • Spellings will be sent home weekly. These will be linked to sounds and tricky words we are learning in phonics. We don't have a spelling 'test' but we will play some fun games and have a quiz to check whether the children know the phonemes or tricky words of the week.
  • Learning Logs will be sent home every Friday to be completed and returned by the following Thursday. The homework overview is there as a guide. You don't have to complete every task on there but the learning does link to what we're covering in class. 
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Happy New Year and Welcome Back to a New School Term!