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Moston Fields Primary School


Please follow this link to see how each letter should be formed:


Handwriting is an important part of the National Curriculum and we are having a big focus on it this year at Moston Fields! The emphasis on handwriting has increased significantly and we would like to share with you the expectations for children in Key Stage 1 and 2. We firmly believe in working in partnership with our parents/carers and value the support that home can offer.

We are using the cursive Martin Harvey scheme topped up with other resources. Pupils from EYFS to Year Six will practise their handwriting every day in order to be able to develop a fluent and legible style of handwriting in line with the National Curriculum requirements.


Expectations for the end of Key stage 2:

  • shape their letters correctly

  • produce legible joined writing

  • maintaining legibility, fluency and speed in handwriting through choosing whether or not to join specific letters.


When children incorrectly form letters, this leads to them experiencing difficulties in joining up their handwriting. This prevents them from making good progress towards achieving the end of Key Stage handwriting objectives. If the handwriting expectations are not achieved, this will prevent your child achieving the expected standard for their year group. We are working hard in school to support your child in moving forward in this area and very much value the support you can provide your child at home.

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School is now closed for the February Half Term. Children will be back in on Tuesday 25th February.