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Moston Fields Primary School

Home Learning

Home Learning In Year 2


Every child has a school reading book which they can change as often as they like. All they need to do is show the class teacher the book they are returning and tell them the title of the new book they are taking home.


In Year 2 the aim is for children to read appropriate books fluently, taking note of the punctuation and reading with expression. As well as being able to read the book it is also important to be able to talk about what is happening in the story and why. Try asking some of the questions below when reading at home with your child.


We encourage children to read every night to promote a love of reading heart 



Children complete their Big Maths CLIC test at school each Friday. The CLIC test will be marked by an adult and sent home the following Monday. The challenge is to try and correct any incorrect answers to improve their school in the next CLIC test.



Children will be given 5 spellings each week which will be tested the following week at school. The day for spellings to be tested will be noted on the spellings sheet. 


The spellings sent home are from the list of high frequency words that children are expected to be able to read and spell by the end of Year 2.


You can find a copy of these words in the link below.


Learning Log - Given out every Friday, due in the following Wednesday!

Every child has their own Learning Log & resources. Each week, your teacher will set you a curriculum homework challenge! You can use your imagination and get creative in presenting your piece of work. Remember to use the double page spread!

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School is now closed for the February Half Term. Children will be back in on Tuesday 25th February.